Featured Flower (and Plant) Friday: ANTHURIUM

Featured Flower (and Plant) Friday: ANTHURIUM

Anthuriums are a bold, classic addition to any floral arrangement or home. When houseplants became a fashionable form of décor in the Victorian era, Anthuriums quickly climbed the ranks as a fav, and we can see why. 

One of the reasons we love them in our floral arrangements is because they last so long. This is because the large ovular structure you're seeing is not a petal, but a bract - a specialized leaf structure on a plant. The flowers themselves are actually super teeny tiny and located on the spike-like structure in the center of the bract. Other popular plants whose "flowers" are actually bracts include dogwood trees, poinsettia, bougainvillea, and peace lily.

So if you get one of these bad boys in your flower arrangement, it likely will outlive the rest of the arrangement, in which case, you can throw it in a little bid vase for a bit longer.

We recently got to play with some of the charming iridescent anthuriums from Haus of Stems (the photos with the black background), where they paint the anthuriums with a special patented formula to get the metallic, shine. While we don't have them in the shop on the reg, if you want these magical babes for a specific event or arrangement, give us a call!

The long-lasting bracts make Anthurium a lovely houseplant choice as well. While they can tolerate a rage of indirect sunlight (we repeat, INDIRECT - direct sunlight will burn them), you'll get more blooms out of them in brighter light.

While anthurium cuttings look great in a vase on their own, they are quite versatile when partnered with other flowers. For a more classic look, we love complementing Anthuriums with fine textures. To go funky and bold, we group them with other tropical flowers and foliage. 

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