Wildflora Blog — house plants

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Air Purifying Plants: The Superheros of Your Home

Air Purifying Plants: The Superheros of Your Home

House plants can be the domestic superheroes you never knew you needed! How so? Once upon a time in the late 80’s, while people were wearing the brightest of colors with the biggest of hair and getting down to Duran Duran, a little group called NASA did a study to test the benefits of a variety of indoor plants. It turns out that many of our foliage'd friends help reduce an assortment of toxins, including ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, and xylene. These toxins typically enter our homes via detergents/cleaners, paints, glues, insulation, pressed-wood products, thinners, varnishes, and even dry cleaning....

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