woman smiling and holding A large flower arrangement in a glass vase in front of a white backdrop. It's filled with orange, white, purple, but mostly green and and chartreuse-colored flowers and foliage, including fritillaria, star of bethlehem, orange slices, alium, pitcher plant, anemone, fern, philodendron, polka dot begonia, rose, clematis, bells of ireland, heuchera, and amaranthus. The vibes are very Hobbiton.
A large flower arrangement in a glass vase in front of a white backdrop on a marble table. It's filled with orange, white, purple, but mostly green and and chartreuse-colored flowers and foliage, including fritillaria, star of bethlehem, orange slices, alium, pitcher plant, anemone, fern, philodendron, polka dot begonia, rose, clematis, bells of ireland, heuchera, and amaranthus. The vibes are very Hobbiton.
Close-up of a star of bethlem and pitcher plant flower in a forest floor arrngement.
close-up of a fritillaria and clematis flower in a forest floor arrangement.
On Sale

Emerald Canopy

Regular price $ 380.00

This structural, spring piece, filled with foliage and flowers, brings the majestic feels of walking through a blooming forest in spring.

*Due to the uniqueness and seasonality of the flowers pictured, know that blooms may vary based on availability. For best results, order 24+ hours in advance.

Curbside Pickup: Free
Shipping: Not Available for this item

  • Rates are based on distance from Studio City Shop (calculated at checkout).
  • Order min. starts at $75 and increases with distance.
  • Please place same-day delivery orders before 2 pm.
  • Deliveries arrive Mon- Sat by 7 pm. No Sunday Deliveries.
  • Please call the Studio City Shop if you have any issues ordering.

Stay Wild | Stay Seasonal: Flower availability changes seasonally. Your arrangement may vary slightly from the photo, but we guarantee it will be fresh.